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New rules governing the CIMS
Podcast 37

The Client Incident Management System (CIMS) is the program that investigates reports of incidents made against carers who may have mistreated children in their care. There are reports made against kinship carers, but this does not happen very often. Over the years, KCV has witnessed some serious breaches of carers’ rights, particularly when a report is not upheld. Carers and children have been seriously affected by the unfairness of the processes over the years and are not compensated for years of trauma when a report is not upheld.
In this podcast, lawyer Fleur Ward talks about how the DFFH has undertaken a review of CIMS procedures and has released a new set of guidelines. Carers need to be aware that it is quite easy for a report to be made and that if one is made, they need to listen to this podcast and contact their support agency immediately.
Physical punishment is harmful to Australian children
Podcast 36

Evidence indicates that physical punishment can lead to increased anxiety or depression in adulthood, and the likelihood of people engaging in violence in later life.
There are alternative effective discipline practices that don’t involve physical punishment. These evidence-based practices can help increase children’s understanding of why they are being helped to recognise that certain behaviours are not desirable.
Sixty-six countries have legislated against the use of physical punishment on children and a further 27 countries have committed to doing so. Why is Australia not one of them?
In this podcast KCV speaks with Professor Daryl Higgins, director of the Institute of Child Protection Studies at Australian Catholic University (ACU) and member of the Ending Physical Punishment of Australian Children (EPPAC) advocacy campaign.
GPV/KCV Positive Discipline video

GPV/KCV is pleased to launch its video on positive discipline. It is a feature in the GPV/KCV campaign to ensure that physical punishment of children is made illegal across Australia.
The video is recommended as a gentle reminder that positive discipline can work. The video should be viewed in conjunction with reading written materials on positive discipline.
Non-physical types of discipline for children and young people (booklet)
Reasons not to hit children (article)
Physical punishment in Australia (video)
GPV/KCV commends signing the petition to have physical punishment made illegal across Australia.
Understanding and embracing autism and neurodiversity in children and young people
Podcast 35

In this podcast, KCV speaks with researcher, writer and educator Dr Emma Goodall, the inaugural Director of South Australia’s Office for Autism. Dr Goodall, who is the parent of an autistic adult, has worked extensively in the area of autism, education, research and public policy, and teacher training.
Dr Goodall defines autism and neurodiversity, explains how autism can present differently in different genders, and outlines key things carers need to understand about neurodivergence in order to better support the children and young people in their care. She also offers some approaches to help autistic and neurodiverse children develop the skills to self-regulate their feelings and emotions to help with everyday tasks and situations.
KCV Board members enjoyed the National Kinship, Permanent and Foster care conference ‘24
All the Board members who attended enjoyed the friendliness and relevance of the conference, noting that carers freely mingled across their different carer roles and irrespective of which state they came.
Highlights included the opening remarks from Minister Blandthorn, the Victorian Minister for Children, who referred to the age-old truism that it takes a village to raise a child. Since the conference this theme has been revisited with gatherings of kinship carers exploring their own village and how to duplicate the best of the village mentality in the 21st Century.
Another highlight was the case for the observance of rights made by Commissioner Liana Buchanan. Carers are increasingly becoming aware that they have rights and that those rights are not always honoured in the hurly burly of the out of home care world.
Next there was a presentation by Fleur Ward, lawyer. She tackled the subject of Carers and Childrens Law in Victoria. She spoke about carers to a packed breakout room and has caused ongoing conversation amongst kinship carers since.
The final highlight was the address given by Dr Emma Goodall from South Australia. She spoke about autism and impressed even the most experienced kinship carers with her fresh insights into the world of autism. Since the conference Dr. Goodall has agreed to be interviewed by KCV in a podcast. The production is underway.
Kinship Care Week is coming up in the first week of September and I expect to hear many more comments about the conference at the gatherings held during that time.
Anne L McLeish OAM
Combatting Loneliness
Podcast 34

The effects of loneliness have been studied extensively worldwide, with experts agreeing on the importance of social interaction for our wellbeing.
The research shows that being socially isolated or lonely is as bad for your health as smoking, obesity, substance abuse and other mental health issues.
In previous studies by Kinship Carers Victoria, some carers have described feeling almost complete isolation from their former social circles once they became carers.
In this podcast, KCV speaks with clinical psychologist Dr Michelle Lim, considered the leading Australian scientific expert on loneliness.
Dr Lim discusses the physical and psychological effects of loneliness, the stigma around speaking about it and what carers can do to deal with their own social isolation.
Government schools need our support
Podcast 33

In this podcast, director of Grandparents Victoria and Kinship Carers Victoria Ann McLeish speaks with Trevor Cobbold, national convener of Save our Schools. Before retiring, Trevor was an economist with the Australian Government’s Productivity Commission and its predecessors for over 30 years. Trevor talks us through the economic and structural inequality in our education system, in particular the under-funding of public schools in Victoria.
– KCV’s ‘Improving education for all’ campaign
– KCV campaign paper – ‘The facts about school funding in Victoria’
– Download the ‘Education’ resource booklet
– Download the ‘Let Us Learn’ report by the Victorian Commissioner for Children and Young People
– Download letter to Victorian MPs on “Exposure of shocking shortcomings in education in Victoria
Family reunification and the law
Podcast 32

In this video/podcast Director of Kinship Carers Victoria, Anne McLeish, and lawyer Fleur Ward talk about the complex and vexed issue of family reunification for carer families.
They speak in detail about the reunification provisions in the Children, Youth and Families Act (Vic) and how the current one-size-fits-all foundation of these provisions could mean that they are not serving their intended purpose. The rights of carers to access information contained in children’s court orders is also clarified.
This video was developed and is owned by End Physical Punishment of Australian Children working group (EPPAC) & Parenting and Families Research Alliance (PAFRA ). The video is part of the national campaign to abolish physical punishment of children in Australia.
Cyber safety for children and young people
Podcast 31

In this podcast Susan McLean of Cybersafety Solutions answers many questions around helping children and young people to navigate the online world safely. Susan is acknowledged as Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people.
Diet and nutrition for neurodiverse children and young people
Podcast 30

Neurodiversity explains that people experience and interact with the world in many varied ways. Nikki Valentini, Clinical Nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and director of SuperNature Nutrition, speaks in depth about the effect of diet and nutrition on children with autism, ADHD, OCD and other manifestations of neurodiversity.
Issues with Education for Children and Young People in Out-of-Home Care
Podcast 29

Victoria’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Liana Buchanan, talks about her report ‘Let Us Learn’, tabled in the Victorian parliament in November 2023. The report shows that the education engagement and outcomes for children and young people in out-of-home care trail significantly behind those of their peers. Liana outlines reaction to the findings and discusses the recommendations.
Grief and Loss
Podcast 28

Grief is a part of life that is felt in many different ways. Grandparents, parents or carers face the difficulty of helping children understand their grief. In this podcast we speak with Janice Butera, specialist grief practitioner with Grief Australia, who shares her knowledge about the challenges that can occur for families when faced with loss. Janice also offers strategies for families to use in navigating these difficult periods.
Preparing for Access Visits
Podcast 27

Access or contact visits with biological family can be challenging and may produce a range of emotions in children in kinship care families. In this podcast, Adam Lyons, Managing Director of Lancaster Consulting, addresses the more common issues carers face in preparing the children in their care for access visits and outlines strategies for debriefing children afterwards.
The Benefits of Play
Podcast 26

The February 2023 edition of the Royal Children’s Hospital National Child Health Poll – Australian Families: How we play – has produced findings of great interest. In this podcast we speak with paediatrician, researcher and child health advocate Dr Anthea Rhodes, the founding director of the poll. Anthea has expertise in child behaviour and development.
Podcast 25

What are the latest trends in nutrition? What does recent research say about what and how we should eat? And what the children in our care, in particular those children with neurodevelopmental disorders, should eat? In this podcast we speak again with Nikki Valentini, Clinical Nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner and director of SuperNature Nutrition on a range of topics regarding nutrition.
Carer Learning and Development
Podcast 24

The role of kinship carer is challenging. Gaining the skillset and knowledge required to fulfil their role can seem like a daunting task. In this podcast we speak with Director of Kinship Carers Victoria, Anne McLeish, who explains the importance of learning and development and the Carer KaFE program. Adam Lyons, Managing Director of Lancaster Consulting, describes the program he runs for carers.
The Importance of Quality Sleep
Podcast 23

Sleep plays a vital part in our wellbeing – so how do we get the right amount of it? Clinical psychologist Dr Damon Ashworth, author of Deliberately Better Sleep, talks about the factors affecting our sleep and the effects of not getting enough of it. This podcast includes interviews with carers, who share their stories around how they manage this whilst dealing with their kinship carer responsibilities.
The Benefits of Hobbies & Other Pursuits
Podcast 22

In a recent survey on stress and wellbeing conducted by the Australian Psychological Society, four in five participants found activities like listening to music and spending time on a hobby were effective ways of managing stress. In this latest carer wellbeing podcast, KCV spoke with two carers on their carer circumstances and about what part hobbies and other meaningful pursuits played in their lives and learned about the benefits these activities bring them.
The Benefits of Exercise
Podcast 21

Relaxation Techniques for Carers
Podcast 20

Deep breathing and meditation can provide you with a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional wellbeing and overall health. The podcast features an interview with Eliza Terry, from YogaLiving. Eliza has been teaching Iyengar Yoga since 1998, and teaches mindfulness meditation, with a strong focus on breath work for relaxation. The podcast also includes interviews with two carers who share details of their own experiences with trying relaxation and breathing techniques.
Diet and Stress
Podcast 19

In this podcast Kinship Carers Victoria speaks with clinical nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner Nikki Valentini, director of SuperNature Nutrition. Nikki explains how certain foods and nutrients have been shown to help us deal with stress and anxiety while other types of foods and eating patterns have been linked to increases in these feelings – and even to other psychological issues and illness. The podcast also includes interviews with carers who share their relationship to food and some of their dietary patterns.
Connecting with Others
Podcast 18

Carers often mention their isolation. This podcast provides suggestions for kinship carers on how to form meaningful connections with friends, family, neighbours and the community. The podcast also includes interviews with several carers who share their experiences of challenges the carer role has brought up and how they have managed social isolation before, during and after the pandemic.
DFFH responds to the Covid-19 crisis
Podcast 17

This podcast has been withdrawn because the information was dated and related to COVID restrictions.
Safety and efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccines
Podcast 16

This podcast has been withdrawn because the information was dated and related to COVID restrictions.
Self-care for kinship carers and how to prevent burnout
Podcast 15

In this podcast, psychologist, lecturer and researcher Dr Melissa Weinberg, an Honorary Fellow from the Dept of Psychology at Deakin University with expertise in the science of wellbeing and resilience, speaks about the need for carers to monitor their own physical and emotional state and needs.
Sleep and wellbeing
Podcast 13

In this podcast Dr Melissa Weinberg, Honorary Fellow from the Dept of Psychology at Deakin University, discusses the effects sleeping poorly or well can have on a person’s physical and psychological health and suggests tips on how carers can improve their patterns of sleep and those of the children or young people in their care.
Creating happiness
Podcast 12

Dr Sanjiv Chopra is a professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School, a best-selling author and sought-after motivational speaker. In an episode of The Bucket Podcast (at broadcast on 10 October 2019, Dr Chopra spoke about his book, The Two Most Important Days: How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Happy and Healthy Life. This KCV podcast draws both on the contents of his book and that Bucket Podcast to present evidence on how happiness can be a choice in our lives.
KCV longitudinal study report
Podcast 11

Kinship Carers Victoria recently released the eighth report on their longitudinal study of kinship carer families. In this podcast, Director of KCV Anne McLeish discusses why the study was established, as well as providing an analysis of the latest report findings, which show that, for the most part, kinship care arrangements for the families in the study continue to be stable.
The health of children in kinship care
Podcast 10

The health of children in kinship care is of primary concern. In this podcast Dr Karen McLean, paediatrician with the Pathway to Good Health Clinic, the Sleep Disorders Clinic, the Royal Children’s Hospital, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Department of Pediatrics with the University of Melbourne, speaks about the health of children in care.
The roles that grandparents play survey report
Podcast 9

Director of GPV, Anne McLeish, speaks about the reason for conducting the survey and about the findings, which highlight the varying roles grandparents play within Victorian families and the community.
LOOKOUT centres
Podcast 5

In this podcast Director of Kinship Carers Victoria (KCV) Anne McLeish discusses how education is a key factor in ensuring positive outcomes for children as they mature into adults. Murray Geddes, Principal of the LOOKOUT Centre for the South Eastern Victoria Region, also explains the role the centres play and how kinship carers and the children in their care can benefit.
Kinship carer wellbeing
Podcast 4

This podcast again addresses the issue of carer wellbeing. Director of Kinship Carers Victoria (KCV) Anne McLeish talks about how KCV works to better protect and promote carer wellbeing and about the various projects KCV employs to do so. We visit one of KCV’s artist-in-residence sessions and talk to participants and coordinators about the value of the experience.
The importance of kinship carer wellbeing
Podcast 2

In this podcast, Director of Kinship Carers Victoria (KCV) Anne McLeish talks about why the physical and emotional health of kinship carers and their access to support services is so important and how KCV works to better protect and promote carer wellbeing. Two kinship carers also speak about their personal and professional perspectives on this key element of kinship care.
Welcome to the KCV podcast series
Podcast 1

This program features an interview with Anne McLeish, Director of Kinship Carers Victoria, or KCV. Anne talks today about the aims of this podcast series, plus the mission and scope of activities of KCV, and she touches briefly on the range of issues facing both carers and the children in their care which will be addressed throughout this series.