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GPV/KCV applauds Sweden's move to reduce ā€œscreen learningā€.

Moves taken by Sweden to replace books with computers has had a negative effect on learning experiences of children and young people. So 15 years later they are reversing this trend and have allocated millions of dollars to do so.

GPV/KCV welcome comments about this move.


Anne McLeish, OAM


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Latest learning & development for carers

New nutrition seminar added in Wonthaggi!

KCV has added another ā€˜Nutrition for Wellbeing in times of rising food costsā€™ seminar with Nikki Valentini.

The seminar will be held in WONTHAGGI on Wednesday 19 February.

We will let you know as soon as the venue for the seminar is confirmed.

Latest resources

Satellite Foundation - Creativity and connection for mental health and wellbeing

Satellite Foundation is a not-for-profit that connects and empowers children and young people who have a family member living with mental health challenges.

This may also include young people in families experiencing challenges with substance use, family conflict or violence, complex trauma, or other adverse life circumstances.

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The Commissioner is clear and says ā€œIt really is, from my point of view as Childrenā€™s Commissioner, a pretty appalling and shameful state of affairs.ā€

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The Commissioner calls for action to improve education provision in Victoria

According to a recent report from the Commissioner for Children and Young people (Vic.) in 2023 children in out-of-home care were being expelled at five times the rate of other children and only a quarter were progressing from year 10 to year 12. The Commissioner made 47 recommendations to address the issue and says that the government’s reaction has been unsatisfactory.

GPV/KCV calls on parents and carers to support the Commissioner and her report by calling the office of the Minister for Education Ben Carroll MP to register support for urgent implementation of its recommendations.

Ministerial Office (03) 9651 1233 or Electorate Office (03) 9379 5879.


Anne McLeish

Director GPV/KCV

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Let Us Learn Report recommendations
Latest podcast

Podcast #36 - Physical punishment is harmful for Australian children

Evidence indicates that physical punishment can lead to increased anxiety or depression in adulthood, and the likelihood of people engaging in violence in later life.
There are alternative effective discipline practices that don’t involve physical punishment. These evidence-based practices can help increase children’s understanding of why they are being helped to recognise that certain behaviours are not desirable.
Sixty-six countries have legislated against the use of physical punishment on children and a further 27 countries have committed to doing so. Why is Australia not one of them?Ā 

In this podcast we speak with Professor Daryl Higgins, director of the Institute of Child Protection Studies at Australian Catholic University (ACU) and member of Ending Physical Punishment of Australian Children (EPPAC) advocacy campaign.

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Latest resources

Relationship Australia's tips for supporting yourself and others through loneliness

As loneliness comes into the spotlight it is important that we all do whatever we can to redress it, not only for our own sakes but also for those close to us and in our community.Ā  KCV endorses this paper issued by Relationships Australia and urges you to read and share it about.


Anne McLeish

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Latest video

A new video from GPV/KCV on positive discipline

GPV/KCV is pleased to launch its video on positive discipline.Ā  It is a feature in the GPV/KCV campaign to ensure that physical punishment of children is made illegal across Australia.

View the video

The video is a reminder that positive discipline can work and should be viewed in conjunction with reading written materials on positive discipline.

Non-physical types of discipline for children and young people (booklet)
Reasons not to hit children (article)
Physical punishment in Australia (video)

GPV/KCV commends signing the petition to have physical punishment made illegal across Australia.

Sign the Petition
Latest wellbeing magazine

KCV Nutrition Guide

This guide has been developed by KCV in response to previous nutrition seminars.

The articles in this magazine have been selected to reflect the conversations that took place at those seminars.

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Latest resources

KCV is pleased to launch a new resources series for carers

Existing and new resources have been presented into 5 separate booklets on the themes of financial supports, legal matters and rights, family relationships and childhood development, wellbeing, and podcasts for carers.

These booklets are designed to make it even easier for carers to find information related to the issue of interest to them. However, it is important that carers also feel free to call KCV if they are unable to find the information they need. We are willing to assist.

All KCV resources are continually reviewed with information updated as necessary, so it is important that carers regularly revisit them, especially the fact sheets, which contain information about policy matters affecting carers.


Anne McLeish

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Contact KCV on 0499 969 234

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