Past campaigns

Early Intervention
Programs for Children

GPV/KCV supports the ‘Every Child’ national campaign aimed at promoting the wellbeing of children and young people by calling on governments to establish a National Child Development Fund and to adopt national wellbeing indicators and targets for child health, education, justice and wellbeing.

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Against Fast-Tracking
Children for Adoption

In August, the GPV/KCV Board wrote to all federal members of parliament to outline concerns with the approach to adoption being taken in NSW. Of particular concern was the move to advertise children for adoption on a website.

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Improve Youth MentalHealth Services

GPV/KCV notes that the inadequate provision of health care services is becoming increasingly problematic.

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Funding the
Court Network

Since its establishment in Victoria in the 1980s, many families have benefitted from the support offered by the Court Network (CN).

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Adequate Income Support
for Jobseekers

GPV believes that everyone has the right to a life free from poverty. We are concerned about the inadequacy of the Jobseeker (formerly Newstart) Payment and how this inadequacy affects many informal kinship carers.

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Marriage Equality

In 2017, GPV/KCV supported those who were campaigning for marriage equality, encouraging people to vote ‘yes’ in the Australian Government’s postal plebiscite.

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Supporting Young Adults

This campaign, commenced by Anglicare, is designed to have governments extend the leaving age for out of home care extended from 18 years to 21 years.

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More Flexible Working
Hours for Families

GPV/KCV believes it is necessary to strike a balance between working life and family responsibilities. This is particularly important for those who are caring for young children and children with special needs.

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Abolition of
Genital Mutilation

GPV/KCV believes that all children have the right to be safe, healthy and happy. Female genital mutilation is contrary to that right. This campaign is designed to support the work of a range of agencies working to abolish genital mutilation.

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Improve the Quality
of Aged Care

GPV/KCV is driven by a desire to see improvements in the aged care sector across the nation.

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Making Democracy

From 2010 to 2019 six election campaigns were conducted, with logs of claims issued to candidates from major parties in either the Australian or Victorian elections across campaigns.

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Regulate to keep families safe from alcohol harm

GPV/KCV believes that the easy availability of alcohol is problematic and that measures should be introduced to control its sale.

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For a First Nations voice to parliament

GPV/KCV is urging all politicians to support the ‘yes’ vote in the upcoming referendum on The Voice to Parliament. It is important that Victoria registers a strong ‘yes’ vote – one we can be proud of now and into the future, and we ask you to lead the way towards that achievement.

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Deliver programs that improve children's play

The central driver of this campaign was the fact that in 2013 the United Nations nominated children’s play as an issue of international significance by making Article 31 (A Child’s Right to Play) of the convention the subject of a UN General Comment, which is a call to action issued to countries by the UN.

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