Latest News & Information
Latest factsheet
Overnight stays for children in OOHC
Dear Kinship Carers.
As a result of new requirements related to the care of children in out of home care recommended by the Royal Commission into Child Abuse, it is now important that carers follow the guidelines in relation to childcare. However, it remains easy to secure childcare for overnight stays for children with family and friends. Working with Children Checks are not required for this. The attached policy, which has very recently been checked by DFFH, should be of assistance to carers.
This policy is relevant to carers attending Carer KaFE retreats. Whilst Carer KaFE is not able to arrange childcare it is acceptable for carers to use the grant they receive when accepted for attendance to a retreat to subside this sort of family/friend overnight stay.
Anne McLeish
Latest podcast
Podcast #37 - New rules governing the CIMS
The Client Incident Management System (CIMS) is the program that investigates reports of incidents made against carers who may have mistreated children in their care. There are reports made against kinship carers, but this does not happen very often. Over the years, KCV has witnessed some serious breaches of carers’ rights, particularly when a report is not upheld. Carers and children have been seriously affected by the unfairness of the processes over the years and are not compensated for years of trauma when a report is not upheld.
The DFFH has undertaken a review of CIMS procedures and has released a new set of guidelines. Carers need to be aware of the fact that it is quite easy for a report to be made and that if one is made, they need to listen to this podcast and contact their support agency immediately.
I recommend that carers listen to this podcast right away and then refer to it later, if necessary, as well.
Anne McLeish
Latest resources
New resources for informal carers
The KCV Resource Book – ‘Resources for Informal Carers’ has been updated with new information about new resources and programs available to informal carers.
KCV is always pleased to hear from carers.
Anne McLeish
Latest learning & development for carers
New nutrition seminar added in Mildura!
KCV has added another ‘Nutrition for Wellbeing in times of rising food costs’ seminar with Nikki Valentini.
The seminar will be held in Mildura on Wednesday 9 April.
At Mildura Working Man’s Club
Pioneer room, 100-110 Deakin Ave, Mildura
After many requests for more seminars on nutrition, KCV has secured the services of one of our most popular speakers – Nikki Valentini. This year Nikki is going to talk about Nutrition for wellbeing. Join us at one of seven gatherings:
- Wed 9 Apr 2025 – MILDURA – Working Man’s Club
- Wed 30 Apr 2025 – WARRAGUL – Warragul Function Centre
- Wed 14 May 2025 – EPPING – Casa D’Abruzzo Club
How to register to attend:
Carer KaFE
Email: Phone: 03 9614 1577
Or with
Kinship Carers Victoria via phone/text 0499 969 234 or
Latest video
A new video from GPV/KCV on positive discipline
GPV/KCV is pleased to launch its video on positive discipline. It is a feature in the GPV/KCV campaign to ensure that physical punishment of children is made illegal across Australia.
The video is a reminder that positive discipline can work and should be viewed in conjunction with reading written materials on positive discipline.
Non-physical types of discipline for children and young people (booklet)
Reasons not to hit children (article)
Physical punishment in Australia (video)
GPV/KCV commends signing the petition to have physical punishment made illegal across Australia.
Latest wellbeing magazine
KCV Nutrition Guide
This guide has been developed by KCV in response to previous nutrition seminars.
The articles in this magazine have been selected to reflect the conversations that took place at those seminars.
Latest resources
KCV is pleased to launch a new resources series for carers
Existing and new resources have been presented into 5 separate booklets on the themes of financial supports, legal matters and rights, family relationships and childhood development, wellbeing, and podcasts for carers.
These booklets are designed to make it even easier for carers to find information related to the issue of interest to them. However, it is important that carers also feel free to call KCV if they are unable to find the information they need. We are willing to assist.
All KCV resources are continually reviewed with information updated as necessary, so it is important that carers regularly revisit them, especially the fact sheets, which contain information about policy matters affecting carers.
Anne McLeish