Raise the minimum age for criminal responsibility


Raise the Age Campaign

The newly elected ACT Government has committed to change the law and raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility!

When the state and territory Attorneys-General met on 29 July 2020 they made the disappointing decision to ignore overwhelming evidence that raising the age will give Australian kids a better chance at life. They said children as young as 10 years old might have to wait another 12 months before politicians would decide whether or not to do the right thing.

The ACT Government has shown what’s possible!

Children across Australia should be in schools and playgrounds, not prison cells. As the ACT Government has shown leadership, every other state and territory government must follow suit and change their laws so that children are no longer hauled before courts and locked away in jails.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Build momentum by encouraging your family and friends to sign onto the petition here at raisetheage.org.au

We won’t stop until we have #RaisedTheAge in every state and territory in Australia


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