
Keep up to date with KCV press releases, news and other media articles of interest to carers.

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GPV/KCV applauds Sweden’s move to reduce “screen learning”.

Moves taken by Sweden to replace books with computers has had a negative effect on learning experiences of children and young people. So 15 years later they are reversing this trend and have allocated millions of dollars to do so.

Victorian Government accused of failing to address educational challenges for children in care

According to a recent report from the Commissioner for Children and Young people (Vic.) in 2023 children in out-of-home care were being expelled at five times the rate of other children and only a quarter were progressing from year 10 to year 12. The Commissioner made 47 recommendations to address the issue and says that the government’s reaction has been unsatisfactory.

The 24th GPV/KCV Board is in place

The Board includes kinship carers and grandparents who are not raising children 24/7. This ensures that decisions made and priorities set are considered from the point of view of the needs of all children, bearing in mind that kinship carers have views about child welfare far beyond those shaped by their role as carers.

Relationship Australia’s tips for supporting yourself and others through loneliness

As loneliness comes into the spotlight it is important that we all do whatever we can to redress it, not only for our own sakes but also for those close to us and in our community. KCV endorses this paper issued by Relationships Australia and urges you to read and share it about.

GPV/KCV congratulates Orygen on becoming the first Australian organisation to join World Health Organisation (WHO) Youth Council

Orygen has become the first Australian organisation to join the World Health Organisation (WHO) Youth Council: a global network harnessing the insights and expertise of young people to shape health policies and strategies.

A new video from GPV/KCV on positive discipline

It is a feature in the GPV/KCV campaign to ensure that physical punishment of children is made illegal across Australia.
The video is a reminder that positive discipline can work and should be viewed in conjunction with reading written materials on positive discipline.

GPV/KCV supports Victoria’s battle to secure more funding for Victorian government schools

The Victorian Government has rejected the Federal Government’s offer to increase its share of public-school funding from 20 to 22.5 per cent. (This would amount to the loss of millions of dollars for public education in Victoria.)

GPV/KCV Meets with Minister Blandthorn

On 17 July 24 the Board of GPV/KCV met with Minister for Children Lizzie Blandthorn and Minister for Transport Infrastructure Danny Pearson. The discussion covered a broad range of topics related to the joys and pressures of raising children up until age 11.

GPV/KCV says the Victorian Government backflip on youth justice is shameful!

Like many other organisations, GPV/KCV has in the past urged the Victorian Government to raise they age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age. In doing so we are mindful of the reasons why it is inappropriate to assume that the child brain is responsible in the same way as an adult brain.

KCV makes its resources even more accessible

KCV has decided to make access to its resource booklets even easier by dividing the one interactive guide into five separate guides, each addressing a popular theme, namely financial support, legal matters & rights, wellbeing, family relationships and podcasts.

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